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I am a writer, chef and IT Consultant. I enjoy writing about my personal accomplishments and helping people learn new skills.

Wednesday 26 March 2008

"The fire in her eyes!"

I had such a great day at work today :) I had a total stranger just smile at me :D and of cos she was beautiful and blonde (Yes ALLEN I can hear you laughing at this one!) But it really put me in a good mood :) but I know I probably will never see her again coz she sails on a yacht (so I heard) She just had this sparkle in her eye,like a fire burns inside(not the bad kind that will burn you, but the kind that can keep you warm at night :)...that made me happy(although I tried really hard to hide it:P) She had an accent that was a little hard to make out. She was so friendly and so nice.....but I think I kinda ignored her and acted like a snob coz I was so stressed out about WORK! which was the whole reason I was at this office.I got her name as Valerie(I'm breaking my naming policy here coz I probably won't meet her ever again)...I am such a jerk to people who are nice to me sometimes......it must have been disheartening...the poor gal,but I didn't meant to, I was just so concerned about fixing a stupid computer(omg,Fil just called a computer stupid!!)I felt so bad about the whole thing afterwards.I missed her on her way out as well,I wanted to get her contact :( She made an effort,got up from her seat and stopped reading her magazine just to say hi....and then I totally ignored her to do some WORK.I am such an ID10T! Yes, I love my job :P but I hate how my work has been the center of my life now :( I always had a balance and I had spiritual balance as well....but now everything feels uneven. I needed to talk to someone so I went to see K and I was so happy to talk to her after so long :) she was happy to see me too or maybe to eat the chocolate cake..lol ^___^ I had a great day working but I had to cancel all my service calls for the afternoon just for K because uhm...she is special, she is the REAL K (lol)sorry that was an inside joke :P

AAAAAAAAAAAaaannnnnnnywaaay my visa process almost done but I am still tied down and I need someone to look after my customers while I am gone. I am still looking for an IT professional to support 7 companies with no more than 15 computers in their networks.ANYONE KNOW ANYONE??? I don't want to advertise...but I also anticipated this and I planned to just close up shop then come back after my studies and open up something serious.....I am so disappointed to leave at this critical time. I have so many huge jobs lined up but I have to leave....my education consultants are telling me that compared to the exposure,training and opportunities available in NZ, this is nothing! so yeah, they sound reasonable enough but I really have my heart set in Fiji :( AND...Norwegian twins are coming over for winter!!!! :D -thats winter in Norway not in Fiji :P aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh! I feel like I will be missing out on something:( Well, I plan to come back for winter ;)

It seems like everyone is being nicer to me now that I am leaving!!! I HATE IT! I just wanted to go a while back and now...my heart is heavy and full of sadness...the thought of leaving all my friends and my family behind just makes me feel sooo sad!! :( Today, the people that hired me were so happy with my work that they gave me a cap and a sulu (this is a traditional uhm..body armor-lol,jk,its just a cloth to cover your privates :P) I was overjoyed!:) You know you're working too hard when people give you gifts..lol. I don't think I deserved it though, but I had to accept, it wouldn't be a nice gesture if I didn't ;) I had a great time working for these people....but their website needs a redesign. I promised to help them with it but....been too busy :( I am definitely on my way to being a workaholic!

perhaps I need another week on my beautiful island :P I am stressed again and my friend K,was so concerned about me she sent me messages but I didn't reply and she thought I was sick or something. I would say I am sick...sick of working! I need my rest and blogging helps me to sleep at night :) I feel relaxed just by writing...but tomorrow is another day :) so....world (especially that one person from Qatar (which sounds like a very remote middle eastern place)....good day/night (depending on your time zone) Adios,Doei,hadet bra,ciao and ni sa moce! Bye...

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