About Me

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I am a writer, chef and IT Consultant. I enjoy writing about my personal accomplishments and helping people learn new skills.

Sunday, 30 March 2008

"Quien No LLora Por Amor??"

In our lifetime we all may have loved and lost. We may have felt the pain and anguish of losing a friend or a loved one.In my 24 years of living experience, I can say that Love has made me cry (and on more than one occasion mind you:P) But I am happier now after the tears have fallen,they have dried up the well of emotion in my heart.We struggle to pick up the pieces of our broken hearts but sometimes things get a little too hard...we just leave our hearts broken....just because we are not ready to pick the pieces up and to Love again without fear of losing the ones we Love.

I am not really trying to find Love again....in my life,although I have not found romantic Love...I have found some romance...and I also have found Love from my friends and my family. I am happy that I have people around me who deeply care about me and that keeps me going :) I will find Love...that will last forever (no matter what anyone says there is such Love and I'm going to find it :) K told me that my expectations are too high...but I believe that they are reasonable because I had found someone once who was VERY close to my ideals.For now, I am happy with the Love my friends have to offer :) It is the hope and the knowledge that she is out there...that keeps me searching and it drives me to be true to myself and to be the best for her! I will start listing my goals in the coming weeks....so all my reviews will have to wait.

My Spanish has been neglected so (btw: this is the english "so" :P) yo correcto por favor! I have this bad cough but all the soup and bad dogs have been working..lol :P
I went to visit an old friend a few days ago and we caught up over some Kimchi which I found out was really expensive Korean food..lol! It was so cool they had so many side dishes all very interesting and very different from my normal choice of food :) SOME of it was delicious although the one that tastes like grass...uhm....tastes like grass :P We finished the meal just like the Koreans....with some Soju (man this stuff is hot!) and then we ended the night like Fijians...we took 2 bottles home with us! lol....I had a great time and I hope to catch up with more of my friends soon.
Holding glasses up (I never said cheers :P) Yes we finished 3 of those crazy drinks :D (we're crazy you know;)
I like the fact that instead of eating a lot of a single dish, Koreans apparently eat a little of many different dishes :) Word to the wise: If it looks like grass....it probably tastes like grass too..lol!

I was at the handicraft centre with Allen the other day and I couldn't help but notice these wonderful mini-tanoa thingys :) so cute...especially with the little grog mixer thing..hehe! Taki!!!!

Saturday, 29 March 2008

"Theres ALWAYS a choice!"

Making the right choices in life can be very difficult.We all have made bad choices in our lifetime but for some,without making the wrong choices,they would not fully realize the right ones!I helped a dear friend of mine yesterday by staying up until midnight talking to him trying to get him to reason on why someone would not be honest or as open as you would like them to be.My experiences with women (or lack there of:P) has led me to keep my head straight.I was talking with my really close friend S.She was amazing,we talked about the color of her eyes and her family and how she is away from her twin and it feels different and she misses her so much:( I tried to bring her comfort but I know that there is some sort of bond that exists between twins.I was happy she spoke to me and I got to see her (the wonders of msn :) I had a great day and I got a kiss from a friend and that really surprised me coz she doesn't normally do that when I see her.....but then again girls have this thing where they go crazy when they see each other. Guys just hit a high five or something :P I am feeling so peaceful these days but I sometimes wonder what my life could have been like if I did just one thing differently.Would it affect who I am today? Would I be in the same place? This was an interesting theory that was offered to me by this really cool Canadian guy I met online.He had a very unique perspective on life and everything.He also was superbly accurate at predicting the actions of my former Love interest.I had used his personality predictions to my advantage.So I would say that we all have the power and the intelligence to change our circumstances, to change our lives. However,the degree of change depends on the methods you use and with each unique situation,you cannot apply the same methods as the results will be different.This guy was so good at taking advantage of his situation.I think that some people can find the good in every bad situation.Find it and capitalize on it! I never liked taking advantage of people so I always thought it was wrong to take more than what I need for my work.But it could mean the difference between success and failure.BUT if we lose ourselves in the process and other people get hurt then we are just exploiting other people and the effects are negative.Today,I still feel much the same way but I take advantage of the situation and not of people!:) I love people too much:D.I am an entrepreneur and this is applied not only in my business but some of this filters into my life.I am willing to accept the risks involved in making a choice but this does not mean that I exploit a situation.I found it interesting how wiki defines an entrepreneur-a person who has possession over a new venture and assumes full accountability for the inherent risks and the outcome.

Entrepreneurs often have strong beliefs about a market opportunity and organize their resources effectively to accomplish an outcome that changes existing interactions.

Some observers see them as being willing to accept a high level of personal, professional or financial risk to pursue that opportunity, but the emerging evidence indicates they are more passionate experts than gamblers.

This is really what we all do with our lives to accomplish a goal :) we try to organize or use our resources effectively in order to accomplish our goals!

I am happy that I am learning many new things and I have had a really good streak of what some would call "luck" :) but I don't believe in luck just hard work!I hope that we all can turn the bad situations in our lives into something good and positive!:)

Wednesday, 26 March 2008

"The fire in her eyes!"

I had such a great day at work today :) I had a total stranger just smile at me :D and of cos she was beautiful and blonde (Yes ALLEN I can hear you laughing at this one!) But it really put me in a good mood :) but I know I probably will never see her again coz she sails on a yacht (so I heard) She just had this sparkle in her eye,like a fire burns inside(not the bad kind that will burn you, but the kind that can keep you warm at night :)...that made me happy(although I tried really hard to hide it:P) She had an accent that was a little hard to make out. She was so friendly and so nice.....but I think I kinda ignored her and acted like a snob coz I was so stressed out about WORK! which was the whole reason I was at this office.I got her name as Valerie(I'm breaking my naming policy here coz I probably won't meet her ever again)...I am such a jerk to people who are nice to me sometimes......it must have been disheartening...the poor gal,but I didn't meant to, I was just so concerned about fixing a stupid computer(omg,Fil just called a computer stupid!!)I felt so bad about the whole thing afterwards.I missed her on her way out as well,I wanted to get her contact :( She made an effort,got up from her seat and stopped reading her magazine just to say hi....and then I totally ignored her to do some WORK.I am such an ID10T! Yes, I love my job :P but I hate how my work has been the center of my life now :( I always had a balance and I had spiritual balance as well....but now everything feels uneven. I needed to talk to someone so I went to see K and I was so happy to talk to her after so long :) she was happy to see me too or maybe to eat the chocolate cake..lol ^___^ I had a great day working but I had to cancel all my service calls for the afternoon just for K because uhm...she is special, she is the REAL K (lol)sorry that was an inside joke :P

AAAAAAAAAAAaaannnnnnnywaaay my visa process almost done but I am still tied down and I need someone to look after my customers while I am gone. I am still looking for an IT professional to support 7 companies with no more than 15 computers in their networks.ANYONE KNOW ANYONE??? I don't want to advertise...but I also anticipated this and I planned to just close up shop then come back after my studies and open up something serious.....I am so disappointed to leave at this critical time. I have so many huge jobs lined up but I have to leave....my education consultants are telling me that compared to the exposure,training and opportunities available in NZ, this is nothing! so yeah, they sound reasonable enough but I really have my heart set in Fiji :( AND...Norwegian twins are coming over for winter!!!! :D -thats winter in Norway not in Fiji :P aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh! I feel like I will be missing out on something:( Well, I plan to come back for winter ;)

It seems like everyone is being nicer to me now that I am leaving!!! I HATE IT! I just wanted to go a while back and now...my heart is heavy and full of sadness...the thought of leaving all my friends and my family behind just makes me feel sooo sad!! :( Today, the people that hired me were so happy with my work that they gave me a cap and a sulu (this is a traditional uhm..body armor-lol,jk,its just a cloth to cover your privates :P) I was overjoyed!:) You know you're working too hard when people give you gifts..lol. I don't think I deserved it though, but I had to accept, it wouldn't be a nice gesture if I didn't ;) I had a great time working for these people....but their website needs a redesign. I promised to help them with it but....been too busy :( I am definitely on my way to being a workaholic!

perhaps I need another week on my beautiful island :P I am stressed again and my friend K,was so concerned about me she sent me messages but I didn't reply and she thought I was sick or something. I would say I am sick...sick of working! I need my rest and blogging helps me to sleep at night :) I feel relaxed just by writing...but tomorrow is another day :) so....world (especially that one person from Qatar (which sounds like a very remote middle eastern place)....good day/night (depending on your time zone) Adios,Doei,hadet bra,ciao and ni sa moce! Bye...

Saturday, 22 March 2008

Island adventures introduction.

I still have so many cool stories from my island....and a few private moments ;) I met so many people within 8 days. Everyone exchanged emails (and bebo* usernames...geez!) on the boat.I will mail everyone soon! The island has a very romantic aura around it,the perfect combination of sun,sand and sea really makes you happy and makes you want to love someone..(yes..uhm..I was sucked in by all this too :P) I believe this is a great honeymoon destination and a wonderful holiday destination. I consider myself to be very adventurous and I had a real blast exploring the natural surroundings, while some who travelled with me just stayed in one place all the time. I made the most of my stay there and I can certainly say "I'll be back!" :D

I am putting together some pictures and I will be uploading later coz I've been so busy lately, I haven't had much time to organize my pics.Anyway here is where I stayed while I was there :) It is my family home and it is the only homestay on the island. I am setting up a website for my uncle who runs the homestay. If you would like to visit Rotuma then you have to wait until I am done with the site. The red line on the beach is where I had some great times :) This particular beach has "temperature controlled" water....the water here gets heated up by the sun during the day and so in the afternoon when you go for a dip......it is just perfecto! :) Everyone stays in there for hours...and some,like me;) because they're just dirty :P

my crazy thursday!

A rude awakening
Early thursday morning, i was awakened by a phone call at about 5am.I was in the middle of a really beautiful dream....slightly pissed,I realized that it was an old friend.She was upset because I sent her flowers....yes, guys be careful-A GIRL CAN GET UPSET WHEN YOU SEND HER FLOWERS!! lol.....okay maybe just this girl :P Telling me that I don't respect her privacy...gee! I try and do something nice....and this is what i get? what a waste! :( No more flowers for you then! :P

Little did I know that it was only the beginning....I had my day filled out. I got called to work on an imminent Hard Disk failure problem...but even after my recommendations, they just wouldn't listen and buy a new drive. I had to work through lunch, taking the lovely lady at the training center to help her pick out an ipod (which we didn't get btw...looong story!) then I had to print out my invoices because some smarty pants (sorry J) accountant misplaced the one i sent her (grrrrrrr!) I then had to wait in a long queue to collect my letter from NZIS. BUT! I anticipated the wait so i had my mp3 player with me:) hehee....bow chica bowow!!! :P

I had to wait for almost two whole hours! BUT I got my letter and hopefully I can get my stuff sorted soon.
I did enjoy the scenery though :) This is the reserve bank building looking up (yes Fiji keeps all its money in this place....just by the size, you can tell Fiji doesn't have so much money :P) HELP US! Donate to the Fiji Goverment NOW! lol....it is a beautiful building and I like the palms on the roof. NZIS is located on the 8th floor.
This was taken from the 8th floor. I wanted to get to the roof but security was tight!I hear that lots of people chose rooftop jumping as their preference if they commit suicide.Aaaanyyway!Wow...everything looks so teeny from up here! :)
This is the new MHCC complex.......it is such a wonder to shop in there:) You never think of getting out of the place...unless you see a security officer walking towards you! Only downside is...you have to pay to pee! what will we pay for next?

Friday, 21 March 2008

NeoWORX- Review

I noticed how crappy my counter had become so I logged in today to find out that my new cool widget was a trial :( I had to pay $19.99 YES! 1 cent less than $20 lol....marketing schemes....works on some people all the time. NeoWORX (no longer in service) seems to be a decent tool (I stole this off another blog......shhhhhhhhh :P) Anyway it is a great product allowing you to customize the whole look of your counter defining almost everything from border thickness to font style and language.It then generates a code which you can paste into your blog in html or in java for all you code freaks out there :P....then theres "quick install" for dummys :P I tried this one but it didn't quite work with my blog :(.

I would say that it is a great product but is it really worth $19.99??? That's money in Roberto Speich's porketo :P (escuse my spanish) (the payment details show his name-guess he is the developer)cheers, he deserves it IMHO....he has created a great widget and yes he has more ;) I believe it is worth the hassle since it covers a whole year...and when you do purchase a year it asks you to purchase 2 years and get 2 months FREE! yes FREE! those marketing people don't let you go so easily..lol!

Tuesday, 18 March 2008

"Roses are red Some diamonds are blue Chivalry is dead But you're still kinda cute"

My day started off well :) I had MacDees for 8f (thats breakfast for all the non-733t-speaking people)I was in a rush and since I don't have a wife to make bf for me :( I have to get Ronald MacDonald to make me breakfast.With all the money I've been making maybe I can buy one?? :P haha.....If I could it would be like buying a computer..tskk....here's my specs: Beautiful busty blue-eyed blonde with 10 fingers (uhm..*thats 5 on each hand...lol) very cute yet very thoughtful, willing to get up early to make breakfast,must have erasable memory (to limit nagging) smart and able to manage accounts....MUST have Extra Sensory Persception : can sense when hugs are needed and exceptional at sensing when silence is needed.LoL I should put an ad in the papers....just for fun....anyway a wife is probably the least of my worries right now. I have to collect my papers for my visa and pay the remaining tuition to my school in NZ before I can collect my passport and my visa.

I also had fun at work, when I went to the men's room I almost tinkled all over the floor when I read the sign...it was so funny! :D
He must have gone somewhere else...coz the toilet was cleeen when I got there.....at least until I was done...muhuhahaha! :D or maybe he was treating the bathroom like his own house?? "Look,some people feel at home peeing everywhere okay?" hehe....I'm a freak, I know :P

I also weighed myself and....I realize my weight has improved :D YIPEEE!!! I'm heavier now (meanwhile there are many people trying to lose weight...:P) just a tad bit.....yes, I carried my camera everywhere today :P (....there's no law against that, is there??) I wasn't perving on anyone though....just myself....haha...

Friday, 14 March 2008

"Kidatalk VOIP launch"

Kidatalk is a new VOIP service provided by Kidanet which is one of the first few companies to set up in Fiji.I was invited as a VIP guest although I am not an existing corporate customer. The lovely lady in the sales department invited me along to enjoy this major event (which to me was all about marketing :P) They set up telephones using a PABX system that they had a broadband connection routed to, and they offered FREE INTERNATIONAL CALLS!! WOW!! I heard that the calls were free and also the drinks....so I slowly made my way to the phones that were set up ;) The two attendants jokingly said that I would be charged for the call...lol! yeah right, I won't pay....make me! :P I made a call to Norway to speak to one of the lovely twins I like to dream about:) We spoke for almost an hour and then we ran out of things to talk about and she said she had to go somewhere :( I then tried Australia.....I ended it coz I didn't have much privacy and it was too noisy.Most of the business people didn't make any calls, they were more interested in the FREE DRINKS! lol.....well...their loss! :)
I enjoyed the best of both worlds, free calls and free drinks :)...but I promised a friend I would stop at this glass......but I drank just one more...sorry sweety :P yes, you're in this pic too...on the phone :D

Today I had a busy day.....and I received a message from the most unlikely person. I got some messages from my new friends :) I will see them again tonight. I went to lunch with an old school friend, he is planning to migrate to Australia...he says the people in Fiji are getting dumber :P maybe....but I still believe that there is so much talent in Fiji and the people are very intelligent, however they could do much to broaden their horizons :)

Thursday, 13 March 2008

"Back to reality back to life"

Before shaving

After shaving.......with the new Philishave 40 :P let's make things..less hairy;)

I'm baaaaaaack! :D I am tanned and grand :P I had such an awesome time!! :) but as soon as I got back (and my cell had reception) I got a call from work...it was totally sobering and a bit of a buzzkill :( BUT I had the best time EVER!! I have so many pictures...so many great moments and even a bit of island romance (my journey would not be complete without it :) I have so many memories...other than the ones captured on my DSC-S700 hehe....I come back to great news too! :) my visa is AIP which is in principle...approved :) I met so many wonderful people and got to know so many more. Got in touch with some long lost relatives and had a ball walking along the beach (which is most of the island coz there is sand almost everywhere) AWESOME! hmm....pics I will put only a few but...I have so many :) aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh! Everything was so amazing and so beautiful that I felt ugly and so I shaved! that and it was hot! and I decided to let someone see my true colors (without my "mo") This be da life! :) Tonite is the kidanet voip launch and I have been invited as a VIP, many cool things have been happening, I just can't keep up with being happy..lol! Cheers!

Monday, 3 March 2008

"Homeward bound!"

I was busy working today. Things were quite hectic and I never really liked the Monday madness.I went to buy undies today and YES...I will also review them when I come back...lol.I don't have a list of things to buy so as I'm writing this I remember that I was supposed to buy some snorkels and a diving mask...oh darn! I must be getting old or ignorant...or is it the same thing?? I also met an old flame...that apparently,was still burning :P I scored myself a new phone number(Yessssss!;) and I blabbed about my trip :P Can you tell I am excited?? We almost gave each other our whole life story but I had to run and so I dismissed everything and promised to catch up when I get back :) She said she isn't into all that crap -referring to online stuff and blogs :( ...but admitted to having a bebo account! AHA!!! LoL!

I'm totally excited about traveling 778.1Km** to my beautiful island home :) I think that it will be a photographic delight! :) I last traveled to Rotuma in 2005 and I stayed for a month. I remember just seeing the island from the boat,it just made you feel like you were in paradise :) Such beauty in nature seems to inspire a deeper appreciation for life! :)

I am hoping that all goes well and that the weather doesn't make me puke along the way.I have never had serious sea sickness or motion sickness but I may puke if I see other people regurgitating their breakfast,lunches or dinners...it's so eeeeeeewww! Anyway, if you've ever been on an inter-island vessel,you'll know that it is an experience that scars you for life! You will never forget the smell of diesel or petrol or nuclear fuel cells (for my readers in the future :P) I would say that you either hate it or live with it(only grease monkeys Love it ;) You never forget the deep sounds of the engine either......when you're sleeping(you're lucky if you can) it is all you hear...a low repetitive thud (*note thuds may vary between ships and engine models) I want to run away from all my work related responsibilities and it is soooo very easy to forget all about the fact that you have a life back here!
The lines show the route that will be taken by the MV Iloilovatu (literally meaning:mirror-stone,correct my Fijian if I'm wrong) I leave at 4pm but I have to get my stuff in by 2pm. The excitement cannot be contained..........weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! lol..

**Measured using Google earth ruler.

Saturday, 1 March 2008

"Take me to the island" -Product Review -Apacer Mp3 player.

Yet another toy for me :P I bought a little something for the trip...it would be cool if I could get a PSP but there will be more interesting things to play with on the boat...lol :) I'm so looking forward to going.I need to take a break from the stress of work ( if you ask me, my mind is already on holiday as of today :P) Anyway I'm going to do a lame review on my mp3 player, it's got 1GB of memory,comes with the ability to play mp3/wma/ and other 3 character extensions..cool thing here is it also has a 65K screen that plays videos! :) the catch is...it is in the highly compressed AMV format and you need to install the software to convert it.I've tried this and the quality is only as good as the source files being converted. On the player itself it seems edgy but you still can see the video in true 65,000 colors.....not bad...for only FJD$99 from Bondwell computers,I thought it was worth buying...I would probably leave it in my island with one of my cuzzies...I converted a 20minute video and it took only about a minute to convert. A great deal...and unlike the beer and the shaver it's not dutch made....I checked :P

More about my trip in my next post :D.........Hi to Suzie Q ;)