About Me

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I am a writer, chef and IT Consultant. I enjoy writing about my personal accomplishments and helping people learn new skills.

Friday, 31 August 2007

I have a new best friend!

I only had a single best friend for so long........this was a real friend, he was important to me and I know that I was just as important and influential in his life...but today someone else called me their best friend,it was a pleasant surprise :) I have always had one best friend all along(a guy) since I thought that is what the term implies..BEST meaning Better then the rest! that means no one else compares....but I think we all can have more than one best friend now :) I always felt your best friend should be the same sex as you are...because two people of the opposite sex as best friends....can easily become intimate! I have many friends who a women but I don't consider them to be intimate associations...only ONE-Kathy,I consider her to be my best female friend. But now that I feel like I'm losing her too.....I miss her company so much! :(

my new best friend's message really touched my heart...she truly appreciates my friendship :) "Thanks for caring,you're a good person and I am lucky to have you in my life! I consider you special in my life and I am privileged to have you as one of my best friends" FINALLY! someone who truly appreciates me! I just feel like I am not being noticed by the people I love the most! Maybe it's work, maybe it's business....maybe it's me!! :( ALL I know is I am dying inside...from a lack of love :( but I will survive on the outside...if I keep eating my veggies :P I am happy though...just keep on moving, keep on progressing :)

"If at first you don't succeed,you'll get lots of advice"

I had a huge argument with Kathy this morning..people are so unpredictable sometimes....I choose not to let that get to me. I am happy still and I think I will get over this or over her very easily in my current state of mind. I am stronger emotionally now and I am in a better position to make a good decision. I just need to have all the facts right. I have been getting facts that just don't add up.....it makes me doubtful.I just don't know anymore and I will leave it at that.

I am glad my carrots are finally growing and so is my money tree :P I am saving up for a visit to my dearest sister...I miss her so much and I want to see her again soon! The boss lady called me, I need to go and see them about something...it's always something with them :P but I don't mind I do my job gladly and with passion! :) I live my life from my heart and that leaves no room for regrets!

Carrot pics coming soon:)

Wednesday, 29 August 2007

"Never let your feet run faster than your shoes"

I met an old friend today...I hadn't seen her in ages....she is studying to be a doctor...so she asked me: "how are you?" and so I started telling her my medical status :P she laughed and said "I mean how are you..generally?" lol that is what we did...laugh out loud...the sick people in the hospital must have wanted to stone us! I really did miss her, we talked about mutual friends we had and what they were up to...about her medical studies...and life in general! I do love talking to people....some more than others :P My day just could NOT go wrong after that! I am still having a great time now....I didn't mind the pain in my injection...coz I was having a good day..lol everything seemed to go so well today, I called Kathy and she was happy....things are going so well, I don't want to say: it is so good that nothing can spoil my day! LOL! usually thats when something does :P but nah! today is MY DAY!!!happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy

Tuesday, 28 August 2007

"Today is a day for making firm decisions....or is it?"

I am indecisive when it comes to "complicated" matters...or when I am not sure what to do in a situation.I keep changing my mind...but eventually I do make the right decision :) I am glad that my veggies are growing....and so is my popularity...a friend of mine thinks I am high profile :P because I have my own business...it's crazy! I just want to be a normal humble person. What I do shouldn't matter. But the society we live in places so much value on education and social status. People go through great lengths to educate themselves with the methods of "work" then they try to make as much money as they can....then they die! What a life to live! I am happy that I am not like that...the money I make I use to help others learn about God and to support my SIMPLE but PROGRESSIVE;) life! I love my life now...and I hope to live a very long life:)

Monday, 27 August 2007

"The difference between genius and stupidity is genius has its limits"

I had given up and the clock stopped...at 12:37 today :S I am not that disappointed...everyone has their limits..I am still happy about this because it still helps me to determine my limits and if you can determine your limits you can know your potential :) I really missed Kathy...was probably a factor in my giving up....I have been frustrated all this while...because while there were things that were going well in my life..there was one thing that wasn't so good.My love life which until 2days ago had almost cooled off:( I was deeply grieved by something I never expected to feel bad about...I sorted things out and now I can breathe easy :).I am happy my carrots are finally looking like carrots today....I will keep pushing myself to see where my "PROGRESS" will eventually lead me :)

Today I'm listening to this song.....Heartbreaker by Blue Lagoon

Friday, 24 August 2007

"The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed."

Can women sniff out a single guy? hmmm...I wouldn't know but I have certainly had my fair share of interests lately and it doesn't help the little experiment I am conducting on myself. I totally agree with the above words....grrrrrrrrrr......I am calm :P I will try and stay focussed on my goals and keep things rolling :)

I had a friend and his girl come by to my place and ask me out to go with them out clubbing...I had this urge to go.....I politely declined but I ended up having a good conversation with him and his girlfriend....I thanked him for coming all the way to my door...I KNOW how hard that is sometimes...even if it's your friends door :P he asked me for my cell number and he said if I change my mind I should call him...I don't think I really miss the clubbing scene although I know it's full of younger people now..maybe my clubbing days have passed and I am too old :P either way I am happy I don't waste money buying drinks for beautiful ladies and making out with strange women....I really think I have made PROGRESS :)

my feelings on this one cannot be very clearly expressed....because it's all mixed up...hopefully this does not impact me negatively, but I know this will allow me to evaluate myself more and see if I need to improve in any way regarding...flirting(with those I have no real interest in)..it's a common thing on the internet, because you can do it anonymously....I've seen it in full exhibit on social networking sites....I am not going to name any site in particular but MAILFRIENDS is a word that I just want to post....lol...people are just shamelessly flirting all over...are we breeding a new generation of internet heartbreakers? I don't know but I fear the worst...they say if you can't beat them join them....I can say this with so much authority because I have been on those sites and I have had a problem with it and I hope to overcome this....I have gone socialnet "cold turkey" :P but I only joined a dating site(because I am now single again :).....and I realize how widespread this "trend" is...especially with single people...I certainly am interested in this trend...so I will study it further :) LOL I feel like I should write a paper on this....more in my next issue :)

It has been a hard 60 days 1 hour 16 minutes and 50 seconds for me but I am happy for containing myself...and all this erratic and unpredictable emotion for all this time..indeed I am so close to making it to a two month anniversary :) hehe..if you're wondering what I am referring to....er....keep wondering ;) I feel good about myself but I know it only just gets worse unless I learn to deal...tomorrow is my official two months and it is amazing how much the above quote becomes true as the hours pass. I was happy that Kathy helped me this morning by being inattentive :) but I wonder how long I can keep this up....I thought I would fail after a month but looks like I can keep going...despite all the thoughts in my head...I am still going strong! We can do anything...if we just put our minds to it :)

Wednesday, 22 August 2007

"everyone is gifted,some just open their package sooner "

Well...it's been too long since I've update my blog...so long that MY CARROTS ARE STARTING TO GROW!!! HURRAY!!! YIPPEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol..note to self:"keep it down man you'll wake the internet boogie man" shhhhhhhhhhh anyway I have cute little shoots growing in my vegetable garden...that..I er...suspect are carrots...I hope they're carrots...yes they ARE!! I have proven my mom wrong :) (I'm expecting the world to turn upside down right now) Mom's is always right..it's like a golden rule or something but I am so happy that I have.....errr....something growing in my garden :) too early to tell if they're carrots but I think they are....after all...I've seen grass and that's definitely not grass. I have not planted this variety before...in high school I only planted the common variety not these ones...it says "top weight" yeah, I think it means...looks like grass :P or maybe "all the weight of the carrot is on the top"?? anyway...I have proof :) I'm not a failure....see..I plant carrots..lol

Mommy's precious flowers....I don't have the heart to rip them out of the ground anymore...they're so beautiful :)

Tuesday, 21 August 2007

everyone is gifted,some just open their package sooner

My garden is coming along well :) and I am 71Kgs...it was my laundry day yesterday...because I didn't have any calls(or so I thought!)..I worked on my garden picking out the weeds..ever mindful of my precious little carrots :) I am actually growing carrots and I have proof :P this is my unfinished blog update...I was interrupted by WORK :S lol..I hate work..there must be a way not to earn a living...everything just falls from the sky...food...actually in bible times...God fed his people in this way.I love my job anyway, but I have little time for myself and the people I care about..who's bright idea was it to invent money anyway? lol..Chinese people were the first to use paper currency...I'm glad I don't have any calls today (looks at phone to see if it rings) :) I'm so glad! :P

Tuesday, 14 August 2007

"Life-10% what you make it and 90% how you take it"

I went for a job interview yesterday...last less than 20 mins :P and I got the job :D....it's exactly what I love doing. PC Hardware oriented and I realized it was exactly what I'm doing right now. I will discuss this matter further with these people and see how it goes. I still want to work for myself because they will not be able to pay me as much :( but I would benefit greatly from the experience I can gain from there...but giving this second thought, I guess, I need more time for other things. This job will suck out the time in my life and the freedom to use my time in the way I want to. I haven't been under "management" since I left Hp Invent in 2005. I enjoy making my own decisions and solutions, but this job looks promising and lucrative. I also want to support my existing customers...what happens to them? I will not give my customers to these people to take care of, I have worked so hard to gain the confidence and trust of my client base....maybe it is better if I did run an escort service ;) lol anyhoo...big decision...hope it goes as well as my carrot patch :P I see carrot shoots :)

Friday, 10 August 2007

There is no excuse for laziness,but given the time I'm sure I can come up with one

I was not doing any work today....just roaming around and I get paid for it :P I wasn't lazy I insisted that I do something instead of walking around....amazing what some people would do for company :) haha...it was fun turning heads today....maybe I can make more money running an escort service...not my thing really. My momma raised me to earn my money. I feel happy that I have sorted many things in my life :) and...I am heavier :) I am now 70 Keys WOOOHOOOOOOO!!!!! It was sooo good seeing the scale go up over my expectations...many people in my life also went beyond my expectations too. I haven't worked on my garden but I can see some tiny shoots...we'll see. I love my life now, I am sure that this is how it was meant to be....I am happy with all that I have done today and I know tomorrow will be better :D it's a field day for me....WOW!!! I have sorted many things in my life and in my love life as well, although there are some pending issues. I am happy with my PROGRESS!!! W00t! :D

Monday, 6 August 2007

"If it weren't for the last minute,things would never get done!"

work,Work,WORK!! I had a hard day today but....it ended well :) I had a beautiful lady pay for my lunch :) at Mc Dees ....I'm loving it :P I was actually expecting something and someone else but it was nice for a change having a woman buy me lunch...I mean...is there a universal rule that says "the guy always has to pay?" Haha...yes, I'm setting myself up for a storm. I am happy that I finished my work but I regret not working on my garden today...I will check to see when those darn seeds will start sprouting...should be around 6 days...only time will tell. I talked business with my lady friend...boring :P then back to work....I will get paid again tomorrow :D It seems like everything is falling into place in my life! Except for one thing that is a little out of place.Kathy....I don't quite know how to fit her into my life....but I still want her to be a part of my life but just not a MAJOR part of my life.decisions....decisions!

Sunday, 5 August 2007

ya te saqué de mi corazón

"I've already removed this love from my heart" but not completely,to do this will take time. I am occupying myself with a vegetable garden...which is actually my mom's flower garden that I turned upside down...she isn't too happy about that but I managed to negotiate a deal :) I will look after her "precious" Gerberas in exchange for letting me have my way with her garden :P hehe...this will be FUN! :D I was an agriculture student in high school and I won the prize for the highest score :) Now it's time to prove that. I am planting Carrots (Daucus carota ssp. sativus.) first and then Cabbages (Brassica Chinsesis)..the Chinese variety as the Latin name suggests.I had fun eating the carrots in my high school garden :P Sorry Mrs. Nand (my agricultural science teacher) I do regret not pursuing this field of study further...but that's only because it wasn't practical for me at that time...unless I lived in the countryside or the highlands..but I guess this knowledge comes in handy when you want to explore Vegetarianism if there is such a word.I have been on a veggy diet the last few weeks and I do feel healthy as a result, this drives me to eat my greens....just like momma used to say :P Anyway....My mom said my veggies won't grow....SAYS YOU!! I do believe that I will be able to grow these delicious plants..yum yum! I will post pics of progress....or FAILURE!! aaaaahhhhhhh!! It's not enough that my family will laugh at me...the world will too :) I don't mind, humor is the spice of life :D