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I am a writer, chef and IT Consultant. I enjoy writing about my personal accomplishments and helping people learn new skills.

Monday 18 February 2008

"For every vision there is an equal and opposite revision"

Jing Jing....it's on!I had a great time with some of my old friends. It was a Saturday nite and I was going to watch a movie or something but instead I got a call from an old buddy and he invited me over for what can only be called a "jing jing" which is the term that has been coined for a jam session....We sang the usual but this time Mel gave us a preview of one of her originals.She is truly gifted and she has an amazing confidence that can only be felt by the strings on her guitar!I sing along but I don't really play.We all had such a great time we went home at 2am in the morning:) I miss them already, I left and got home feeling very nostalgic and missing everyone who has ever really touched my life:( it was such a cryable moment for me! Well....I guess,everything has a place...every action a consequence and every vision, a revision;) lol

here's the super talented Mel.....totally amazing....just bad camera-work...my bad:P


  1. sweet music/guitar playing :)

    ...no so sweet camera work :( got motion sickness ><

  2. The camera person needs to be sacked :P

    Loved her voice.
