with fuel prices climbing...its a wonder how some people just don't care,like me...and yes,perhaps broomsticks would be the next transportation device....I've been going to the movies....the old fashioned way,walking! which isn't too bad,I mean,you get to work out,explore and smell the roses..or the Auckland sewerage system,depending where you live...I got a comment on this post BEFORE it was actually finished.Thanks Shiva....I'm sure witches around the world are working on a marketing strategies to sell mass produced flying brooms!
I had an interesting run-in with M last night.I also had an interesting run-in with someone who didn't like a post in my blog. here is a hint: she is the same person that didn't like the flowers I sent her (what girl doesn't like flowers?) weird, coz I didn't think it was seriously a problem.Well, to everyone who doesn't like my blog...here's a suggestion : DON'T READ THIS!Simple :)
Yeah,sometimes there are very simple solutions to the most complex problems....as to the problem with fuel....there is no simple solution and as much as I like the idea of traveling to the movies on a pimped out 4 way sweeping action broom....I don't think it would be possible in the real world where the laws of physics apply (sorry to all you harry potter fans..I hate to break your broomsticks :P)
Well I don't need broomsticks to fly and here are the pics to prove it!
Up up and..................................................................................
.............Away!!!! I'll fly away just like this, no broomsticks required!! :)
too bad all the witches got burned at the stakes...flying broomstick technology would come in handy today
ReplyDeletehaha I actually know females who don't like receiving flowers...or any nice gesture..hell she even chewed me out for checking on her when she was sick and didn't make it to work (and this is while we're dating)...oh wait...i mean that happened to a friend of a friend..