A Special Day
Today, I pay tribute to someone who had a special place in my life once.....she comments on my page...the silly gal...now its useless in not naming her.....
Silvie Catherine Van der Zee...on this day uhm..some time ago you made my life more interesting :) not that it wasn't before then...but it was definitely "spesh";)
Some would call it love..others would call it crazy but,I would class it as "temporary insanity" lol...but then again,I would class alot of things as that:P I actually once thought that you can fall in love with some partly intangible person on a computer screen that lived almost a world apart! Oh,I have really grown up these days! haha...my parents would be proud (and yes they are :) I still learned so much about life and a little about love and a bit more about myself than I would have liked.
I was thinking of writing a "10 things I hate about you list" but....I am not a hater...I'm a lover,not a fighter :P and I also walked away from my previous experience with this type of relationship with a few valuable lessons:
1:Even if you spend your entire life planning.....nothing will ever go EXACTLY according to your plan...NO PLAN IS PERFECT,you will always have problems.
2:being totally honest with someone in a relationship doesn't mean they will be the same way with you.(unfortunately I learned this one a little late :P)
3:if you love someone, you will get hurt-becoz only people we let into our heart have the ability to cause so much pain. (this doesn't mean we don't let them in)
4:there is no perfect girl/woman/wife...there are only alot of potentials :P (I have a thing for spotting imperfections....rather than looking at the perfect quality of love)
5:Jealousy may breed silently until it comes out and destroys your relationship.
6:Never judge a person by what they have done in the past....although previous mistakes are sometimes an indication of how someone will react to a situation,this is not always the case,I believe in the romantic idea that,YES, people can change...I am the product of 24 years of constant change! :)
7:Spell irressistable correctly :)
8:Save some money for your future....just in case you decide to have a future and share one with the love of your life! (I'm getting really close to finding her...I just know it!!)
9:Laugh as hard as you can.....cry as softly as you can ( coz you don't want anyone to think you're a sissy:P)
10:Be thankful...even if nothing goes according to your plans...at least you gave it your best shot...you tried and thats what matters the most!!
Well,I'm glad I went through such an ordeal....it helps me to grow as a person....I love mistakes...we can never learn how to do anything right if we never do anything wrong (hmm...yes that sounds funny but I'm sure its right :P if I am wrong...SUE ME!! and maybe SUE WILSON TOO!! lol.....I hope everyone finds this interesting....I will leave with a few more pics of my last event and some other pics.
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