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I am a writer, chef and IT Consultant. I enjoy writing about my personal accomplishments and helping people learn new skills.

Wednesday 16 January 2008

I loved you with the fire RED....now it's turning BLUE..

Things haven't been so good for some of my friends and for me. I have been through tragic events in my life but I realize that my heartbreak is nothing compared to all the problems other people are facing. Everyone is in truth searching for HAPPINESS, they may deny this fact but I believe this to be true across all facets of humanity. I believe that the only thing that differs between individuals is what they "think" makes them happy. Some search for truth,for answers to satisfy their need to know what is really going on in this world, some search only for their basic needs since they do not have the basics, how can they even begin to be happy? Others search for purpose by trying to make a name for themselves in this world.....the struggle for prominence is only a "human thing" Some search for wealth which would supposedly lead to their comfort and ultimately their happiness.Yet others search for LOVE, I spoke to one such person yesterday and her search for Love seems to have taken her to great ends. That desire is within all of us but for some it is greatly associated with their happiness. I have found Love but I had to cut my losses and escape before my search takes me to a point of no return! I just realized that there are BIGGER things in life than Love....LIFE itself is more precious than Love....I don't believe we can find Love if we don't find meaning in our life first. I had been thinking deeply about many things and I know that with everything in my life, I just need to "have a little faith" and everything will be alright :)

Whatever you are facing in your life....in your struggle to find what makes YOU happy, I wish you well and I hope that you find what it is that you are searching for!

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