On Wednesday the 7th of January I went up to the "North Shore" to see my dear friend,she has been through alot lately and I wanted to be there for her, I had sensed her distress and I felt her pain. I have the qualities of one of those "empaths" not sure if there are such things but I know that I sometimes feel the pain of others because I put mysef in their shoes....almost literally sometimes, just to see how it feels. I have been feeling sad and because somehow I felt her emptiness inside me...that is why I wanted to see her so much....I wanted to comfort her because, it would comfort me too...she wanted to see me and I thought it would be great :)
I started my way by first giving my nephew a bath and then......giving myself a bath :P yeah, I was dirty.....looking at my project I'm happy it has been 8.25days! anyway, back to my story, I dressed in my "usual" fashion...nothing too fancy, after all I was going to see someone I was so comfortable with, so I got dressed and made my way out to the catch the bus (my sister took the car and the other car needed a driver...and I can't drive :(........yet;) I walk out to the bus stop and see this old lady standing there......so I stand casually on the side of the the road.....thinking about how great the sunshine is and the day that lay ahead of me......then I see this guy in uniform make his way toward me...and he has a look in his eye that is "suspect" I realize that he is a police officer and I know the mind of a police officer since my dad was a cop.....so I remain calm and fight the urge to run...lol I just stand there and wait for his.....questions...he gets to me then asks "Is your name Isaac?" then I say in a very matter-of-fact way "nope" haha....typical ME :P he then asks me I've seen anyone loitering about and his questions seemed very accusing but...hey, I would think like this guy.....anyway he leaves to beat some other bush and the old lady starts talking to me......telling me of her sadness and her struggles of living "South side" I nod in agreement even though I probably don't truly know the depth of her feelings with her expressions of disappointment....I do understand that South Auckland is widely known as a place that is not safe to live in ( I have yet to see evidence of this...people have lived in worse places) the media has depicted South Auckland as a hell hole but I believe that it is highly exaggerated....so after a few minutes chatting to this lovely old lady we hop on the bus....she gets off near a school and I get off and catch the train to the city......when I get there I call this girl I've been talking to for almost 3 months and I haven't seen her for so long...we start talking as I tell her where I am....I can hear the excitement in her voice as I tell her that I am getting on the bus....she had been waiting since early in the morning (when I woke her up) expecting to see me sooner but I was held up by a little kid...lol my nephew, he is such a needy thing!
So there I am on the bus and I notice that people are staring at me, foreigner from another town,people on the North Shore haven't seen southerners before?? weird! lol...anyway, I'm talking to her the whole way there and I'm loving it (of coures :D) I tell her to get out quick and start walking coz I'm almost there.....so she does, the bus stops at the bus station and I get out to see if I can spot her, and I did...I have nice eyes....so I'm told :P When I saw her...she looked great but I didn't really let her know that much....until later :P
she had a skip in her step that just got me all excited.....she came over and gave me a great BIG hug...and she lifted her legs off the ground (wow, she actually trusted me not to drop her....she was fairly heavy...but uhm...I was super...errrm strong ;) I held on tight and it felt a little strange....coz we haven't seen each other for so long! We were a bit like strangers but that feeling soon went away after we started walking to....uhm we don't know..lol we just walked :) We got to a junction along the road and we would just say....okay lets go there.....and we agree....and walk....until I came up to EAST COAST ROAD....I had been down that road before...I know where it leads..."to da beach y'all!!" :D We decided to go down to the beach.....I had no clue how far it is when you're NOT IN A CAR..lol I led her down the road...until we came to a sign that says "BUSH WALK" so we were feeling adventurous and decided to go down some bushes....we hoped it would lead us to the beach but..instead...it led us to someones back yard....lol and so we had to go back up to the road..

we then got thirsty so we looked for a water,I swear water never tasted so great!....it was a real struggle to walk up the hill though..so two bushwalkers came back up to the main road and continued on their quest to find sand and sea! We stopped at almost every other bus stop to take shelter from the ultra-violet rays of the beautiful burning star in the sky....and to talk and comfort each other....ahem, then on we went...we bought a single bottle of water and we shared it until finally she spots the beach.....her excitement was made evident by her skipping.....so cute :) we reach there and we take the walk on the beach we've always wanted.....but not exactly how we imagined it.....then she takes a dip and asks me to join her...but I was more worried about not having any change of clothes.....and looking after my belongings...so I took pics of her while she was walking into the water and jokingly said that I was going to baptize her......I really got her with that one...lol the water was disgusting though, not quite as appealing as the beaches back home.....it was so eeew! she was probly the nicest thing in the water :P

We finished and walked back.....a long long way....thats around 10 Kilometers in total!!! she was pretty fit...able to keep up with me...and my backpack...the additional weight on my back was really killing me.....but I tried my best to ignore it coz...I didn't wana look like a sissy boy :P We stop at a few bus stops (and under a tree) on the way back, she put me at ease and she brought tranquility to my mind and happiness to my heart...BUT this time, I liked her more as a friend...however,I found myself feeling some tension toward her....so I kissed her and it was nice, I enjoyed it but it wasn't the same as what we had when we first met, and we were both glad we got that out of the way :)....but I loved walking with her more...holding her hand...it seems our hands fit together so perfectly....she gave me the comfort I craved for....I enjoyed her warm hugs....it was delightful :D her presence made me happy.....

This is something funny that she saw....when she was holding my hand,she noticed the colors...she said neapolitan ice scream.....and we laughed so hard!! lol aaaah "crack up" she always says that :P
"I love you THIS much!" :P
this is one she took of me...she isn't much of a photographer...but its okay :P
We sat under this tree and had the most meaningful discussion about life,love....and God and it felt so good to see how she responded...because she never really believed in God...she totally amazed me with her understanding and her desire to know more :) I left feeling so happy and accomplished...she was satisfied with her goal to reach the beach and I was happy that I got to talk deeply with her....we connected so much that I did not want to leave her...but the sun was setting (at 9pm....lol) and I had to catch the bus home...so she gave me one last hug and I got on the bus.....I already started to miss this wonderful woman....I was looking forward to seeing her again....this was a great walk :) Thanks my sweet panda...x
I got no spanish words today...its all ENGLISH :)