If you’re one of those people who got tired of seeing the same post on this pagefor about a month now……well,I have something to say about that…..a valuable lesson learned, you can’t always have everything go your way, although,I always have it planned that way in my head. No matter how many times someone tells you that “it’s going to be okay” it just doesn’t make a difference! I haven’t met my goals for January but I have however made progress and I had failed miserably with my project kanwon but not completely disheartened, I just need to tweak my timer. It really isn’t a big deal for me. I have acquired this laid back attitude and I think I do better as the guy who freaks out. I was that guy in high school, always reacting extremely to situations that weren’t so extreme….ahem, I am now Adam Sandler calm, if you have ever seen this guy act, you’ll know he seems so calm in most of his characters, in fact it looks like the guy is heavily sedated at times….I am calm! :P
Well, not much is new except the fact that I have applied for a work permit as an extension to my visa, which expires in hmm…3 weeks from now, it’s no biggie :P I don’t mind going back home but my buddy wants to come over in July sometime so hmm….should I panic now?? I really don’t know, oh and a special hello to “S” she has been a good friend, telling me what to do, lol while I can do things on my own, I realize that I find it very comforting when someone else tells me out of consideration what I should be doing…even if I don’t like to hear it. We take the people who are close to us for granted sometimes, when we really don’t know if they will stick around through the worst times….would I do that for my friend?? Hmm…yeah, I think that I don’t appreciate things in general, lately, I haven’t even been saying “thank you” which is very nothing like me, should I panic now?? Okay, maybe I just need to work on that “everything is going to be okay” :) I got pretty emotional yesterday because of what I saw on the news, a 13 year old girl robbed a “dairy”-cows not included (that’s what New Zealanders call a supermarket or shop) she made her getaway with some diapers, milk and 2 packets of chocolate biscuits of some sort. I just thought about my sister doing that to keep my nephew alive, I would never let her do something so wrong because of something right…..even for the right reasons, we should never steal. I think that there were other ways to deal with her desperate situation.
Oh well, that was about the usual drama that I got out of my TV, I have been stuck indoors for too long, but I hope that all changes, coz I’m getting pretty fat! Okay now I should panic?? Nah, I want more fat, they say that people with more fat have more energy reserves to call on when they hit the wall.
Well, I have been told off by many of my well meaning female companions to be wary about calling women fat…but I do that all the time! I’m just honest, my friend veronica says it is so wrong, I don’t think so I mean, I am honest but I don’t mean it in a demeaning or negative way, fat is good, in my books, I am not into the supermodel body types. Anorexic ladies are not very appealing for me….but yeah, it might seem shallow but I think it is reasonable…when I think about it, it would bother me just staring at someone who is sticky thin, wondering if my next hug would snap her in two. But then again, most people don’t have perfect health these days….I am glad that I have put on some good weight, I’m getting more hugs….hugging ahem…..“well grown” people is just a yummy feeling :) girls are nicer coz they are more cozy, I hug guys too….it isn’t gay, contrary to what most guys believe, It would be gay to think that it is a gay thing to do. I have a wonderful lady that wants to go into business and she has come to me for advice…..we met when I was working at an internet café she was a regular, always happy, and positive…made everyone smile. She called me sunshine! I loved that….hehe makes me all sunshiney! :D anyway, she is gay, girl gay is different from guy gay….and she has a really cute kid. I believe in her idea for business…she is really ambitious and she wants me to help her with her business proposal. I couldn’t help but get all my feelings back, I miss my business, it was something to call my own and I earned the respect and trust of the people I worked with….I had a dream last night that I was a co-owner of a bar with a swimming pool inside….the other part owner was “Wayne Brady” funny guy….weird that he is in my dream…I saw a re-run of “who’s line is it anyway” the other day, maybe I missed him? Who knows? I have many new thoughts and ideas in my head, New Zealand does have great prospects for business..but I need to work in the industry here for at least a year or 2 to be able to start out here. I would be starting from scratch so it would be very difficult and the economic downturn doesn’t give me much confidence either but, I think I will give it a shot.
I’ve decided to stop my Spanish words…partly because of my new laid back attitude and partly because…I haven’t met any Spanish people lately….I will continue when I have found my swing :)